How do we change?

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The remarkable truth in Scripture is this: God wants you.

God wants a personal connection with you so deep that sometimes it’s described as you being God’s child or even his bride. And he doesn’t just want some pretend, “suburbs perfect” version of you. He wants the real you, even with all your shame, all your baggage.

We believe God revealed his love for us when his Son, Jesus, died on the cross. He died so that no matter who we are or what we have done with our lives, there is a way for us back to God. The Son of God wanted me, he wanted you so much that he was willing to give his life to bring you back to him. 

Jesus invites us to a transformed life. And that new life begins in knowing him. 

There are many great resources to help you practice your faith, but this content was developed to help you get to know how we practice our faith at Trinity Church. 

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