Part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). What does that mean?
Trinity belongs to a denomination, but this is not our primary identity. First and foremost we are followers of Christ and thus united with all believers everywhere. Regardless of what beliefs people might have on less central issues, everyone who has trusted in Christ and seeks to follow him is invited to join our community.
And yet, we are also proud to be part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a growing denomination with more than 1700 churches whose motto is “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission.” Our commitment to this denomination is not in order to create a boundary between us and other believers but rather in order to deepen our connection with each other. By standing within a particular tradition (outlined in the historic Westminster Standards) we are united across the centuries with past generations of Christians, upon whose shoulders we stand. And our presbyterian government creates relationships of accountability and mutual support with other churches in the area, These connections are concrete expressions of how our individual church is part of a much larger, global work of Jesus.